Guide - Mistake path


We’ve all done one of these and I know I’ve done most of them.
  1. Buy a board coz it’s a Burton, coz it looks sick, coz I want the first one I see, coz Travis Rice has his name on it and so many more daft reasons.
  2. Buy full body armour even though it’s going to be at least two seasons before you venture into the park or do your first jump.
  3. Buy goggles and a helmet that don’t sit together well so you have a massive “tw#t gap” but you don’t put any sun cream on there and you get the burn of shame!
  4. You feel that snowboarding is easy enough so you don’t need lessons.
  5. You buy boots coz they were cheap or a good brand without making sure they are comfortable or even fit correctly.
  6. You want to learn how to do a 180 without being able to ride switch first.
  7. You go to slash/spray a skier for the first time, get it wrong and land on your ass or worse still barrel into them.
  8. You talk a big game in the bar and then you’re seen on the slope looking like Bambi.
  9. You drink too much the night before and hurl in the gondola.
  10. You have too much to drink up the mountain, then think you are an indestructible snowboarding god and have a big smash breaking an arm, collar bone or something else important.
I would be very surprised if you find a snowboarder that has not done one of these, most will say they could cross off a good few. If you do find anyone that has not done any, you may want to suggest they take up a different sport, maybe chess.
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